CLOCKEM ROCKEM is a men's fashion brand, formed in 2022 by Shaun and Paul Swift. Established in Nottingham, in the UK.


Shaun was born and raised in Cumbria, UK. Despite his Northern background, he has worked a series of people and management oriented positions and his skills lie in mentoring, counselling, and skills development. Shaun is our company director and keeps a close eye in the daily operations of the business logistics, our supply chain, product development, and quality check of each piece made by the brand. Shaun also knows a good ass when he sees one.



Paul was born and raised in Nottinghamshire, UK. A bachelors degree in graphic design and illustration, plus studies in economics and accountancy put him in the path of an early career in graphic design and management for many 'blue chip' financial institutions. Paul has an unnatural obsession with swimwear, underwear and fetish wear. His frustration (and indecisiveness) with never finding the 'perfect product' drives our creativity, marketing and technology that elevate our brand’s identity.


When you shop with us, you shop in confidence that you will receive excellent quality and customer care. We are ready to help you with any questions you may have, we are super-chatty and will go out of our way to ensure you feel the love. We strongly believe our job is not finished whenever a new order is placed, but when our product finally makes it to your hands, and once you touch it, feel it and wear it, you love it, in the same way we did when we created it.

Once you CLOCKEM,
we know you'll


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